This is actually a spoof.
"So what should we do about the chaos in Syria? Well, it's easier to start with what we should not do. We should not lob a handful of cruise missiles and hope that some explosions will snap Syria's leaders to attention. Beyond that, we need to be careful to nurture the fragile foundations of peace. The opportunity is there, but I worry that the path to moderation is so narrow that Syria will have to move down it very slowly. And of course Damascus needs to come to terms with its own history."
Three days later it comes out slightly differently.
'So what should we do about the chaos in Syria? Well, it's easier to start with what we should not do. We should not let seemingly endless frustrations cause the people of Syria to doubt their chance at progress. Beyond that, we need to be careful to nurture the seeds of democratic ideals. The opportunity is there, but I worry that the path to peace is so poorly marked that Syria will have to move down it very slowly. And of course Damascus needs to come to terms with its own history.
Speaking with a local farmer from the large Shiite community here, I asked her if there was any message that she wanted me to carry back home with me. She pondered for a second, and then smiled and said, shad-farin-bin-yamin, which is a local saying that means roughly, "A cat may look at a Queen." '
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