'Shells are dropped by planes, snipers shoot from a nearby tower, rockets are launched from a mountain top. Abu Yahya won't be moving away, though. First, he can't afford to, and second, why should he? Jobar is his home, he says. The whole neighbourhood is pro-Free Syrian Army, and the regime is aware of that. "They are giving us a very hard time," Abu Yahya says. "There is another district next to us that has also sustained heavy shooting, and they get very heavy shells. They are called elephants shells because they are so big. There is a mountain in Damascus and from here we can see all the artillery piled up there."
He says he is not a political man – never has been. "I have no business with politics and politicians. I am just a peaceful man. I want to work to earn my living and take care of my children." But he is proud to be part of the uprising. He calls it "the revolution against injustice".'