"Most of all, Hezbollah won respect by sticking to its principles, even among rival sects and the leftist cafe regulars in Beirut who are skeptical of its religious conservatism. Now it is paying a price for its politics of pragmatism in Syria."
I'm not sure about the subtitle given here:
"Hezbollah could find itself caught up in a sectarian war between Iran, the region’s Shiite power, and Saudi Arabia, a protector of Sunni interests"; the idea that there is a regional sectarian conflagration between Sunni and Shia seems mostly to be a propaganda tactic by those who want to present those opposed to Assad in Syria as being nothing more than Saudi agents. Otherwise the article seems very good.
Having said that, this does seem the way the Saudi monarchy sees it:
"The Saudi stand on Syria, unlike on Egypt, Yemen and Bahrain, is to support the uprising. Lest there be a doubt about its motive in castigating President Bashar al-Assad’s repressive policy, the Saudi Prince, Turki al-Faisal, explained it thus: “The impending fall of Mr. Assad’s barbarous regime provides a rare strategic opportunity to weaken Iran. Without this vital ally, Tehran will find it more difficult to foment discord in the Arab world. Today, there is a chance for the United States and Saudi Arabia to contain Iran and prevent it from destabilising the region.” The quote is an open admission; even an assertion. The Saudi path to Iran runs through Syria."