Friday, 1 March 2013

Syrian rebel put his dreams on hold in civil war

 "I'm happy with the battles and the people I've gotten to know," Qadi said. "These are the best moments of my life."

Fighting Shortages, Syrian Civilians Take Reins in Rebel Areas

 “The old people think Bashar Assad is very strong and he will never leave,” he said. “But we think they are not thinking the right way, because we see every day that he is vanishing and going away.”

Thursday, 28 February 2013

The victory of the revolution takes two revolutions

 “The victory of the revolution takes two revolutions: One against the regime strangling freedom, another against those awaiting its victory to steal.”

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Syrian rebels advance despite regime attacks

 'It is stopping the Islamic resistance, not the success of the revolution, which preoccupies US policy on Syria.

 Many Syrians feel abandoned and have little faith in any outside help. They point out that the Assad regime receives a steady supply of weapons, cash and fuel from Russia and Iran, while they are subject to a weapons embargo.

 This is why many revolutionaries have welcomed the Islamist brigades as allies, even if they do not share their vision of a future Syria.

 One rebel commander said, “We can thank god that we are indebted to no one.” '

Was Syria ever the secular, non-sectarian state we are led to believe it was?

 'For provincial types, "secular" has come to mean flashy, worldly, corrupt and finally brutal, and for them Sharia means a more honest and decent society, as much as anything else. This is not a good thing – I wouldn't want to be an ambitious young woman growing up in Syria today, or one of the many perfectly decent, god-fearing middle-aged Muslim men I know who like a quiet tipple of Scotch before bedtime – but they will be victims of the dictators' dishonesty and refusal to reform as much as of Saudi fundamentalists.'

Monday, 25 February 2013

Syria democracy in action defies dangers in Deir Ezzor

 ' "We want a democratic state, not an Islamic state. We want a secular state run by civilians, not by mullahs," he said.
Free Syrian Army rebel fighters were forbidden from taking part in the vote.

 "It is an opportunity for civilians to have their say. We soldiers must fight against regime, that's our job," said Abu Obeida, a rebel commander.'

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Arts Of Revolution

 "I cut the missile at its end, and emptied the cluster bombs inside it."

Zaatari refugees torn between revolution, security

 “When we left Syria five months ago the Free Syrian Army had a shortage of arms. Had we stayed in Syria, we would have been a burden,” he said.

 “Now, they have got the weapons. I can join their ranks to fight against the oppressive regime.”