Saturday, 27 July 2013
Who is the US arming in Syria? President Assad rubs his hands at news of rebel split
I hadn't realised that Robert Fisk had lost the plot this badly. Someone on the press review a couple of days ago was praising his insight into Egypt, presumably he's not advising that the Islamists are the problem there.
'Bashar would be only too ready, surely, to help the FSA against the regime’s Islamist “terrorist” antagonists – and maybe offer the FSA a dignified reunification with the government army. Regime intelligence officers have for more than a year held regular meetings with FSA officers to try and woo them back to Bashar. And if they are successful, then our generous donations of weapons will end up not in the Islamist “wrong hands” but the “wrong hands” of the Baath Party.'
Catapults and homemade grenades: Introducing the DIY arms of the Free Syrian Army
'US supplies are expected to be limited to small arms. British and American military figures have warned that is unlikely to have any effect on the course of the war. The West is opposed to sending the one item which could actually be a game-changer – surface-to-air missiles – due to fear they will fall into the hands of jihadists.'
150 Syrian regime forces killed in Khan al-Assal battle
All post-fighting killing is questionable, even of those who have been massacring children. The high proportion of officers killed suggests an army deserting, and the demonstrations could not take place if it was not for the protection that the FSA has provided.
'More than 50 of those killed were executed by rebels after the fall of Khan al-Assal on Monday, while the rest died fighting for the regime's last bastion in the west of Aleppo province, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Thirty of those killed in both the executions and fighting were officers, the Observatory said.
Elsewhere in Syria opponents to Assad's regime held protests on Friday calling for his ouster, as they have done once a week for more than 28 months, said the Observatory. Protesters gathered in several Syrian towns and cities, under the slogan of "Friday of the Unsheathed Sword of God". The slogan refers to a name given to Khaled Bin Walid, a companion of Prophet Mohammad, whose mausoleum in the central city of Homs was bombarded and destroyed this week.'
Nothing Makes People Flee Like Murdering Their Children

'He is using artillery, missiles and aircraft to make certain areas of the country unlivable and he is wantonly slaughtering civilians. He is specifically targeting children, even attacking play grounds, because he knows nothing makes the people give up the fight and flee like killing their children. Assad might say he gets more "buck for the bang" by targeting children.
The Syrian conflict is also unique in all of history in that the worst torture techniques are regularly used even on pre-teen children. In many ways, Assad's strategy directly involves attacking children by the government. In his war, they aren't collateral damage; they are targets.'
Friday, 26 July 2013
A revolution finds its voice
'The spray can is mightier than the mortar.'
Up to a point.
'Resistance cannot stand up to tanks, warplanes and mortars.'
Why the U.S. Congress is reluctant on Syria
'Ironically, the leading voices opposing a bigger U.S. role in Syria come from the base of the Republican party, the same one that had authorized two wars during the George W. Bush Presidency. Times have changed however, and the Republican base has been dominated by the Tea Party movement, which is more isolationist in interpreting the U.S. role in the region, and has been attracting some Islamophobic figures such as Pamela Geller.
Without the Obama administration offering Congress a detailed roadmap about arming, and unless the opposition with new members such as Michel Kilo expand outreach and offer assurances to Syria’s minorities, the U.S. efforts to arm might remain futile, and Syria’s protracted conflict will continue its trajectory towards more extremism and bloodshed.'
Thursday, 25 July 2013
A massacre in every sense of the word
'Idleb (Ariha): July 21, 2013 - "There’s not much more context I can add here to make you care is there? Simply put, Assad’s airforce dropped a massive Russian bomb on this busy marketplace, killing close to 20 people in a single instant and injuring dozens more.
But of course you, the viewer are used to this. The combination of dead bodies, blood and fruits is no more shocking than last night’s episode of “Game of Thrones" or whatever violent show you consume on television.
Thanks for caring for the people of Syria, it’s no exaggeration when I say that if things remain the same, there will be nothing that resembles “Syria" any more in a few years. It will be nothing but rubble and graves." '
The PSL School of Falsification: A Libyan Rebel Sets the Record Straight

'I wonder how NATO benefited from “its” NTC forces on the ground. Where's NATO in Libya now?'
Ditto Syria and the American "proxy war".
All we can do for Syria now is donate to the relief effort
Relief for Syrians is very important, but when Garton Ash says, "Make the decisive, massive military intervention that alone would defeat Assad, and you face another Iraq," he is taking the easy way out with some false premises. Not helping the rebels has created the refugee crisis and the other problems.
Relief for Syrians is very important.
The Dark Knight Patronizes: Democracy vs. the Prime Directive
The standard view of those opposing help to the rebels in Syria, is that any intervention would be like the USS Enterprise carpet-bombing the planet with photon torpedoes. But why can't they provide the insurgents with the phase cannons they need? Because that would violate the Prime Directive. And the Klingons would just up their arms shipments, this is all a Federation plot aimed at the Romulan axis of resistance...
'Nolan’s Batman has a problem with democracy in general, as do the surviving Watchmen, Kirk, Picard, the United Federation of Planets, MIB, Col. Jessup, and Walter Lippmann. They don’t necessarily oppose voting or the electoral system or the trappings of democracy, which would be pretty difficult to overturn. But they like a system where the consent of the governed can be manufactured and steered by a few good men.'
Syrian refugee crisis escalates as 25% of country driven out of homes
'Is Syria going to be liberated soon or in a year or more?'
The rhetoric they have to worry about comes from those who don't want Syrians to liberate themselves, who respond to every hope of freedom with cries that things are getting worse, and are silent about the real horrors that are forcing millions to flee.
Hezbollah's sectarian turn
'Hezbollah, like other resistance movements before it, became dependent on outside sponsorship that compromised its independence. Dependent on Iran for funding, and Syria for weapons, it found itself out of step with the Arab Spring.
It now had a vested interest in a regime that it once opposed, and declared war on the Syrian people who once rallied to its defence. The sense of betrayal now runs deep.'
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Carleton grad launches satirical YouTube show to criticize Syrian regime
'This kind of contradiction that’s happening in the media is actually very essential for the Syrians to know, that the official Syrian media in reality is basically making lies.'
Syrian rebels claim control of western Aleppo
'Opposition forces say they seized the town of Khan al-Assal, the last bastion of Assad forces in the area.'
Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad will ‘survive’ rebel uprising, only full-scale foreign intervention can unseat him, says Iraqi minister Hoshyar Zebari
'The opposition still hopes that if it hangs on long enough there will be international intervention to overthrow Mr Assad along the lines of Nato military intervention in Libya in 2011.'
No, the opposition is hoping it will get the weaponry to complete the job themselves, claims like this are designed to prevent that happening, and enable the slaughter to continue.
And of course Assad has only survived so far due to massive foreign intervention amounting to war.
The Long War in Syria
'The proximate reason for Obama’s call was that Assad had fired on his own people. One must question Obama’s authority to make that moral judgment, given that police in the U.S. fire on unarmed people, especially young black men, all the time (especially in Chicago, L.A. and Philadelphia),' one might make the reverse point about Gary Leupp. Having read him to the end, his justification for the proposition that arming secular fighters will strengthen al-Qaida is very weak, "even the “moderates” seem to appreciate the superior fighting skills of the Islamist fighters."
'One has to wonder whether Dempsey is late arriving to the Syrian conflict, considering it is common knowledge that arming extremist is the cornerstone of our Syrian strategy,' no it isn't.
Bombs away for regime change: do to Syria what we did to Libya says British army general
' "I do not associate the military with wars and bloodshed in a narrow sense. I actually associate the military with doing good, with bringing down tyrants, with releasing people's ambitions for their children."
Not a view shared by many in the countries which have experienced the wars.'
You might think it is a little unfair to say that Lindsey German is dead set against the bringing down of tyrants, but when she has spent another article accusing someone of desiring a bloodthirsty march to all out war, when they are actually trying to spell out the details of how to limit an intervention (and personally I'd think it better they stay out, and just given weapons to the Syrians), she doesn't deserve too much fairness. Especially when again she talks throughout about how bad bringing down Assad would be.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Abandoned in Syria: Q&A with John Wrexford
'The visiting journalists, particularly on the regime side, don’t get the full story. The New York Times wrote that mortars, which had been “peppering” Damascus, have stopped. They haven’t. That’s not true. Mortars have been falling into Damascus intermittently now for a year, and they’re still falling...
The religious [extremism] of the rebels that you read about in Damascus is overshadowing the reality of what’s happening in Syria. It’s clearly happening, but it’s people from outside of Syria. Syria has always been a moderate relaxed country when it comes to religion. Places like Dubai are far more restrictive.
Right from the beginning there were so many images of rebels with beards and Kalashnikovs and chanting Allahu Akbar, as if this was all there is in Syria. And then people outside don’t want to help in any way, because they think it’s just terrorists fighting a dictator. But the majority of people, they’re more culturally Muslim than religious. In no way do they aspire to a Saudi or Salafi thing.'
Syrian Sunnis fear Assad regime wants to 'ethnically cleanse' Alawite heartland
'Homs and the surrounding province is seen as essential to the war in Syria and to any plan to create a safe haven for Alawites if the Syrian state collapses, as it geographically links largely Alawite areas on the Syrian coast and Shia areas in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.'
I don't think this is a very likely proposition*, as when Assad ceases to be the purported governor of all Syria, his days in Syria are numbered. Still, that doesn't mean he and his already quite sectarian elimination-state won't give it a go.
*Eugène Terre'Blanche comes to mind.[]
Monday, 22 July 2013
EU ministers agree to blacklist Hezbollah's armed wing
I'm not sure this is a great idea, despite Hezbollah's murderous role in Syria. It has gained support in Lebanon representing the disenfranchised Shia community, that support is only likely to be strengthened if they are treated as less legitimate than other Lebanese forces, and the chances of a revolt within the community against their military adventure in Syria recedes.
Having said that, it is still the Assad government and its friends that have tried to spread the war and the sectarianism; while Hezbollah and Assad's enemies in Lebanon have been incredibly restrained, which is a good thing.
Troops kills 13 family members
'Some of the victims were burnt alive, in the incident in Bayda near the coastal city of Banias.
The family members were said to be from a mostly Sunni village, but in an area where government supporters have been accused of trying to clear out Sunnis.'
Rime Allaf:
"There were still children to be killed in Bayda, so they killed them."
Syrian rebels capture strategic village near Aleppo
'The death toll included 49 rebels killed in an ambush in Damascus's north-eastern suburb of Adra early on Sunday when an elite republican guard unit attacked the rebels as they were trying to push into the capital.'
That they were trying to push into Damascus is another positive sign.
Redefining Syrians
'A summary of the regime’s policy in dealing with Syrians provides a picture of the internal situation of strengthening its supporters who represent the elite minority, which does not exceed 20 percent of the total population, and making them the strong holders of power, which controls and takes over the people in the devastated areas, which had reached the level of destruction, making them easy to control, as the regime expects.
In parallel to controlling the weak in the devastated areas, the regime has purged the other part, by forcing them to become refugees in neighbouring countries, facing daily difficulties and unable to return to their towns and villages, and thus, the regime would have freed itself of them and the repercussions of their presence in Syria, and left their burden on others.
Even Satan could not execute a plan like this, but the support provided by Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and others, to the regime, in addition to the weakness of Syrian opposition, and the inefficiency of the friends of Syria group, as well as the silence of the international community, all play a nasty role in helping the regime draw and execute that policy.'
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