'They are not ashamed of anything. You could kill someone in Syria and nobody would question that...
As a revenge they executed him along with a number of people with no trial...
What you and you family speak about, what you don't do in front of strangers; you speak one thing to one person, another thing to another person, and everybody learns how to live this double life...You are always afraid that someone will report that you've said the wrong thing...
I was preparing a sign for Libya, and the Syrian revolution started, so I did two parts of it, Down With Assad, and Down With Gadaffi; and a friend of mine who's an American woman, who helped write it, her name's Annette Stevenson, who never heard about the whole thing, helped write the sign...
We were full of hope that it would last a few months, and Assad would be gone...
I never thought that three people could meet in Syria and say Down With Assad...
To have people go out and say, "we want freedom", it was a dream...
Children wrote on the walls, "we want freedom", and the government arrested them , tortured them, pulled their nails out, and people reacted...
It's becoming more complicated. Most Syrians were hoping the international community would help us much sooner....
We're not asking about American soldiers to be on the ground, or American life to be put in jeopardy. I don't want the United States to be in a bad position, but at the same time, to have people by hundreds of thousands getting killed, two million refugees, families torn apart; if you can help, at least change the equation on the ground, whatever it takes, whether providing political support, military support, defensive weapons at least; we can liberate ourselves, and that is what we are asking for.'