'As always the Free Syrian Army [FSA] proves to be an active military force combating against Assad regime forces and its allies throughout Syria, and also actively contributing in liberating territories from Assad regime and from the Iranian and Russian occupation in Syria. Western media don’t give the FSA enough coverage despite they are fighting throughout Syria and they are operating on many fronts against Assad regime troops and Islamic State fighters. The Free Syrian Army do have a weak presence in north-western [Idlib] of the country but they have a strong presence in Aleppo, Central and in the South, also they have contributed a lot in liberating territories from the Assad regime forces.
On 7th October, the Assad regime backed Russian military personal and airstrikes launched an offensive on northern suburbs of Hama, in order to re-capture the opposition held territories in northern suburbs of Hama from two sides. Syrian Army [SAA] are willing to capture the Highway [Hama – Talbiseh] and also capturing all opposition territories from Rastan to Talbiseh. The FSA units have managed to stall their offensive and destroyed more than 20 Tanks and armoured vehicles using TOW missiles despite the heavy shelling and airstrikes from the Russian airforce, the FSA have managed to hold their line of defence.
The Free Syrian Army proved to the world that they do exist and they are fighting for freedom of the Syrians, Syrian people who are sacrificing for the revolution do support the Free Syrian Army because they are fighting clearly for the revolution and to bring an end to the Assad regime."
No kidding on the Western media. Just this morning there's an interchange between Gavin Esler and Jim Muir on the BBC news channel.
Gavin Esler: "There really isn't any moderate opposition in Syria, is there?"
Jim Muir: "No. There is al-Qaida, and other Islamists."
Jim Muir went on to say that the supply of weaponry by regional powers to these Islamists was part of a CIA plan B when the training programme only produced a handful of fighters (he said it was that they were fighting ISIS, rather than having to promise not to fight Assad that made them targets). He had heard this from 'a diplomat in the region', which seemed to be Patrick Cockburn's code for someone in the Iraqi government who supports Assad.'