Wednesday 12 December 2012

Highlights from the interview with Syrian rebel leader Moaz al-Khatib

Ward: If the regime falls tomorrow, will you be able to control all these different groups operating inside Syria?
Khatib: This indeed is a question that needs to be asked. I expect that there would be a good control on the ground because of the presence of hundreds of civil groups operating inside Syria. They don't like to appear in the media; they are working for the good of our country ... diligently but discretely ... and they are organizing themselves for when that day comes. They are already securing bread distribution, traffic control ... they are preoccupied with setting up judicial committees ... security committees. The Syrian people has taken big steps in the establishment the 'day after' committees. I could not say that this is covering every single part of Syria, but it is widely developing. That of course in addition to bigger institutions that will try to give more support to such groups on the ground.

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