All five of my sons were martyred, as they were martyred for the sake of Allah, and I only say, thank Allah, they did not die in vain. They died defending the land and honor of the people, and all the youth who joined the revolution were like my sons, I did not tell any of my sons not to join the revolution, and I did not prevent them. They used to participate in the demonstrations while women trilled chants behind them, and I was always present with them at every demonstration, and when the demonstrations were over, I would return home and they would return to the city Homs to participate in other demonstrations.
Palestine has been resisting for decades, while we’ve only been resisting for 12 years, and it’s okay to continue for another 12 years or more. We are patient, and we will be able to win by our strength, Allah willing, as there are still honest and honorable people who follow the path leading to achieve the goals of the revolution. My sons were indeed martyred, but all Syrians are my children. We are like one hand, women and men, old and young, and we, Allah willing, will be able to achieve victory, and we do not want other countries to rally around us. We, Allah willing, will continue until the last drop of blood in our bodies, women and men.
My son was indeed a goalkeeper, but I believe he was one of the revolution’s leaders, and how I wish I had more sons to push them to follow the path of the revolution as Abdul Baset did, and if there was someone like my son in the revolution who works properly, then what happened to us today would not have happened.
My message to all the mothers of the martyrs and to all women who still have young men is to send their sons for the sake of Allah, for the sake of their homeland and their honor, and the sake of the detainees in Assad’s prisons, and we reject Bashar Assad by all means and we do not want him by any means. Because any mother who has lost a martyr among her children will never accept Assad in power in Syria, even if the whole world allies with him! We do not want him, and we do not want anyone from the outside to try to control our fate.
To every mother, sister, and aunt, who is the relative of one of the martyrs, the old and the young, I call for everyone not to accept any decision to maintain or legitimize Assad. We, the people of the revolution, rose against this régime and sacrificed martyrs, and we still have young men, and we will resist the despot, but the people must fear Allah and follow the path of Truth, and we must be united, and then we will be able to topple it!
I send a message to every person who works with Assad and follow his path, that Allah does not forget, and you will face the punishment for what your hands committed, and I hope that Bashar Assad will be trampled by the soles of the revolutionaries.
We do not want Assad or any of his men, and we do not accept any “solution” in which Assad remains in power. We will not accept any “solution” by the international community that is not in our favor and we will continue our revolution, Allah willing!'
Taken from an interview done by Levant 24, an Idlib-based news agency, with Umm Abdul Baset al-Sarout.
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