Sunday 13 April 2014


Emerging Trends in Syria
I must read the rest of this:
"The only coun­try that ben­e­fits the longer the Syr­ian cri­sis con­tin­ues is the US. This is due to the US con­stantly fail­ing in find­ing a loyal alter­na­tive to Basher al-Assad. The US from the very begin­ning has delayed all its solu­tions as it did not have a trusted alter­na­tive to al-Assad. The real rea­son for not inter­ven­ing directly in the coun­try is the fact that the US has failed to cul­ti­vate a loyal alter­na­tive. This is why the US and its allies have given al-Assad all the nec­es­sary cover to put down the upris­ing. The inva­sion of Libya was jus­ti­fied on the blood bath that was going to take place in Beng­hazi, Obama said: “Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atroc­i­ties in other coun­tries. The United States of Amer­ica is dif­fer­ent and as Pres­i­dent, I refused to wait for the images of slaugh­ter and mass graves before tak­ing action.” In Syria after mul­ti­ple mas­sacres the US, as well as the wider West has still refused to intervene."

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