Friday, 8 August 2014

What chemical attack? Sorry it is alleged and cannot be verified

 'On July, 11 Syrian born Welsh resident Alisar Iram wrote: They think if we kill us we die.'*

 She died recently, but left us a number of writings, including this piece about the irrationality of believing that rebels might have staged the chemical attack in Damascus last August.

 'How can these images help the Ghouta and the people of the Ghouta since the media refuses to acknowledge the responsibility of the regime and claims that the responsibility rests equally with both sides or that, against all established military convictions, the rebels might have done it to themselves. Was it a mass suicide then? And why should the Jihadists choose an area outside the control of Assad instead of choosing Assad controlled areas? It seems that the rebels have acquired very mysteriously invisible jets that can launch missiles with chemical warheads or it seems that they have reached such a high level of sophistication that they can manufacture long distance surface-to-surface missiles or super rockets carrying chemical war heads that can cover the Eastern and the Western Ghoutas alike, hitting the areas where they fight from and where their families live. Suppose the Nusra Front is behind it. If they have such capabilities why not launch chemical attacks against the army barracks of Assad scattered all around the Ghouta?'

Image result for Alisar Iram

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