Ironic that Daniel Hannan, who I think made his name telling American TV he wanted to privatise the NHS, should be warning of the dangers of intervention. Of course, sending actual weaponry to the FSA isn't the same as an Iraq War Re-enactment Society, but so is the debate framed by those who can't see empowering Syrians as the solution.
"Every refugee we met wanted Western strikes against the Assad regime; it would have been bizarre if they hadn’t. But it doesn’t follow that Anglo-American military intervention in Syria would do more good than harm."
One of the comments puts the counter-argument to those who claim that any Western intervention can only make things worse; it is doing nothing to help, and even bullying the opposition into accepting Assad, that will make Western intervention more likely down the line.
"Eventually the West will have to get involved and if that means creating a scotched earth policy just to put out the fire then so be it."
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