Saturday, 27 July 2013

Who is the US arming in Syria? President Assad rubs his hands at news of rebel split

 I hadn't realised that Robert Fisk had lost the plot this badly. Someone on the press review a couple of days ago was praising his insight into Egypt, presumably he's not advising that the Islamists are the problem there.

 'Bashar would be only too ready, surely, to help the FSA against the regime’s Islamist “terrorist” antagonists – and maybe offer the FSA a dignified reunification with the government army. Regime intelligence officers have for more than a year held regular meetings with FSA officers to try and woo them back to Bashar. And if they are successful, then our generous donations of weapons will end up not in the Islamist “wrong hands” but the “wrong hands” of the Baath Party.'

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