Friday, 14 June 2013

Britons fighting with Syria's jihadi 'band of brothers'

 Channel 4 News has been generally poor on Syria, tonight - SHOCK! There might be 700 Europeans fighting to free Syria (so 'jihadists'), and they might get American weapons!!! - of which their commentary on the film below is an example, but there was an interview with the film-maker, Bilal Abdul Kareem who has spent seven months with the Battalion of Migrants who pointed out the difference between the rebels, even the jihadis, and the government. Are abuses SOP or isolated incidents? They are SOP on the government side, they celebrate their killings on Youtube. They are isolated incidents on the rebel side, denounced by the vast majority and punished.

 The Channel4+1 has come on while I've been trying to post, so here are a couple of quotes:

 "The Syrian people won't live or die according to what American weapons they get."

 "Try to understand who these people fighting jihad are, and are their aims really incompatible [with ours]?"

 "I think you're labouring under a misconception. Whenever you have tens of thousands of people fighting you're going to have incidents."

 Damn, couldn't really get the rest of it, but rebels who commit abuses are punished, not so on the government side.

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