Sunday, 17 February 2013

Fawaz Gerges And Rosemary Hollis In Conversation With Robin Yassin-Kassab

 Robin Yassin-Kassab:

 "Because the word intervention was mentioned, I'd just like to say, in my opinion, that as far as I can see, this has been a massive diversion, it's the hugest red herring of the whole conflict; the Syrian National Council in the beginning seemed to put all its eggs into the basket of a foreign military intervention, leftists vehemently opposed the foreign military intervention, the régime spoke in paranoid tones about the military intervention as if that was what it was all about, it wasn't about a revolution; and I think they're all missing the point, because it's a misjudgement of the West, the fact that it's just got into two silly wars in Middle East and Muslim countries, the West doesn't have money; I don't think that intervention has ever been on the cards - it may come in the future, if things get so desperate for the rest of the world, because of what's happening in Syria, it may have to come at some point, but at the moment, and in the past, as far as I can see, it's never been on the cards, we waste time by talking about it, hoping for it, or by dreading it."

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