Sunday 9 March 2014

Review: Return to Homs"He followed and documented everything: from lively protests, to civilians on the run from government grenades, to tanks annihilating rebel barricades...
The United Nations makes an appearance, but with only six representatives to canvas the entire city of Homs in less than a day, their presence only highlights the rest of the world’s blatant inaction...
Eventually, they dig underground tunnels, which take over three weeks to make, in order to avoid being shelled by Syrian forces. It goes without saying that such footage has seldom, if at all, made it to major media outlets..."
The government are barbarians, who shell civilians to drive them out. That is why there are millions of refugees, that is why the Syrian government tries to kill those who report from opposition areas. This is the reality; not a civil war between two approximately as vicious sides, but an ongoing massacre by a tyrant.

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