Wednesday 28 August 2013

The logo of Syrias Revolutionary Left current

The regime and the West are
both threats to Syrian Revolution

"These jihadist groups are reactionary and sectarian—and the Syrian revolution wants to break down sectarian and ethnic division—but they cannot be compared to the Syrian regime."
I would agree with Joseph Daher here, though I would disagree with the headline (and the internet sub-heading - "Western powers are using the horrific gas attack on Damascus suburb of East Ghouta as an excuse for military intervention in Syria" - in a more indirect way) - the rĂ©gime and the prospect of American airstrikes are not comparable threats to the Syrian people, the former is the immediate threat. Maybe the good people at Socialist Worker are responsible for the headline, who is editing it now? Also, "Don't Bomb Syria" suggests that American bombing is the problem of the moment, not for Syrians: "Two civilians have been killed and a number of others injured including a child as a result of regime warplane bombardment on the district."[…/snn-syria-breaking-new…/]

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