Saturday 28 September 2013

Image result for Syrian Conflict: The Assad Regime, The Free Syrian Army And Al Qaeda - And The War Against Journalists In Syria

Syrian Conflict: The Assad Regime, The Free Syrian Army And Al Qaeda - And The War Against Journalists In Syria

If we can only get our information from those journalists that operate with the rĂ©gime's consent from Damascus, we will get a picture that fits with its desire to portray the conflict as a sectarian, proxy war the revolutionaries can never win."The scene appears to have been awkwardly staged, leading some to believe it was fabricated to make it appear that Syrian rebels were holding Tice when he was actually in the clutch of government forces. The sad truth is, we may never find out Tice’s fate."Note 26/3/15, a belief supported by the negotiations now going on with the Syrian government for his release. []

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